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Blue Star & Gold Star Memorials

Mark your calendar now for October 14, 2023. That is the day that Gardeners by the Sea Garden Club and the Town of Millville will dedicate a Blue Star and Gold Star Memorial and Garden at Evans Park, 32517 Dukes Drive, Millville, Delaware 19967.

A BLUE STAR MEMORIAL honors all who have served, currently serve and will serve in the U.S. Armed Forces. 

A GOLD STAR MEMORIAL honors families whose loved ones paid the ultimate price defending the United States of


This is a joint project of National Garden Clubs, Inc., Delaware Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc., Gardeners by the Sea Garden Club and the town of Millville. It will be the first site in Delaware where these two memorials are displayed together at one site.

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Military Honor Roll

Thank you for supporting the Blue Star and Gold Star Memorial Byway Markers in Millville, Delaware, by naming to this Honor Roll a current or deceased veteran, active duty service member or service member who sacrificed is life in service to his country. These names will be displayed in the program handout and on signage for the dedication ceremony at 11:00 a.m. in Evans Park, 32517 Dukes Drive, Millville, DE, on Saturday, October 14, 2023. 


Your donation will help to fund planting and caring for a garden surrounding the memorials. This signage will be displayed at Millville Town Hall and events held at Evans Park and other locations until October 2024.

Military Honor Roll Enrollment Form

Flier for Blue Star and Gold Star Memorials

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